What is Sick Building Syndrome?
Sick building syndrome is also known as building-related illness, environmental illness, or multiple chemical sensitivity. Clinicians consider it to be an illness that people suffer from when they are exposed to undefined physical, biological, or chemical agents that are located in a building. This term was first used in the year 1986 when the illness was recognized. However, the term is used a lot more in medical literature nowadays. It is mostly attributed to indoor air quality that is poor. Its diagnosis is challenging because of the wide variety of symptoms that mimic other medical conditions. What Are the Syndromes of Sick Building Syndrome? Sick building syndrome can affect an individual’s neurological, respiratory, and skin systems. That is why most people mistakenly self-diagnose themselves with flu or cold. Some of the possible symptoms of the syndrome are as follows: -Chills -Fever -Body aches -Nausea -Irritability -Fatigue -Forgetfulness -Difficulty concentrating