
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Important Truth on How Often to Change Air Filter in Home

As a homeowner it is our job to stay up-to-date in replacing and maintaining the necessary items inside of the home. Whether that be keeping an eye on your roof and the weathering it has undertaken over the years, replacing appliances that are on the way out, and even stay regular with the everyday care of your air handling system when it comes time to replace your air filter. Often times, homeowners will let little things fall by the way-side and this will unfortunately include the regular changing of your air handling filter every month. The air filter inside of your air handling system is a crucial component to your AC system and can be vital to the overall life of the system. If you start to notice a reduction in air flow inside your home or even a spike in your electric bill, this could all be a result of insufficient air filter changes within your home. In this article we are going to discuss the important truth on how often you should be changing out the air filter in your hom

Sick Building Syndrome Invading Office: How it Impacts Your Health?

You have said over and over again that your office is making you sick, with many people scuffing it off as a dramatic statement that many people loosely throw out in contempt with their current feelings about their employment. However, your claim may ring true as there are potential factors that can influence your health in relation to your office building. A sudden wave of dizziness, nausea, and overall altered mobility that you experience within your office could mean that the building itself is affecting your health and potentially other employees within this structure – this is known as sick building syndrome. According to a report conducted by World Health Organization (WHO) in 1984, it was found that up to 30 percent of new and remodeled buildings across the world were subject to excessive complaints related to the indoor air quality of the office building. Indoor air quality, along with SBS (Sick Building Syndrome) have become both an increasing issue as we learn more and more

Why is There So Much Dust in My Home?

When it comes to the inside of your home, there are a number of different things that can contribute to the accumulation of allergens in the home that will impact the air quality within this indoor space. If you are someone who experiences a dust allergy, the smallest traces of dust in the home can have your symptoms spiraling out of control. And even for those who are not afflicted with dust allergies, the dust can still significantly impact the air quality of your indoor living space. When dust is present in your house, the components of the dust can have an affect not only on the air quality and on allergy symptoms, but it can also impact your lungs and overall health from exposure. The overall effect of dust will depend on several factors such as where you live, the amount of people living in your home, how frequently you clean the environment, and even other allergens present in the home like pets. Although dust have potentially hazardous effects, one thing is for sure, with the